Saturday 9 April 2011

Readathon #2

Hour7 - So in hour six I finished my first book, reviewed it and had some dinner. Was nice to have a wee break. I am now 20 pages into "The Mysterious Affair At Styles" by Agatha Christie. Loving how different in style this is to the first book I read.

Hour9 - spent the last hour soaking in a bubble bath with my book. Would have been tempted with a glass of wine too if I didn't think I would want to sleep after. Struggling a bit on the tiredness front and it's only 9pm. Going to spend hour 9 in the kitchen with a cup of tea. Thanks for the idea JustJacF.

Hour11 - Had a cup of tea with my book during hour 9 and 10 and it did me the world of good. Finished another book.


  1. Congrats on finishing your first book! I'm impressed that you managed to review it as well! Happy Reading!

  2. Good for you, I've only been reading my #1 book for the last hour and thirty minutes... unforeseen circumstances and all that. Hope you're enjoying The Mysterious Affair at Styles... First book of Poirot and always one of my favourites I admit. Keep up the reading!

  3. Thank you. My books are easy ones otherwise I would still be at the first book. Very much enjoying Affair at Styles. Love Poirot
